UWRL logoS2Teams Season 2 - 2024
UWRL Champion 2024 - Krefeld
2024 UWRL Krefeld
Streaming link: Saturday, April 27
Streaming link: Sunday, April 28
Streaming link: Saturday, March 23
Streaming link: Sunday, March 24

UWRL S2R2 Table
Bamberg 3-1 Flipper  
Flipper 2-5 Krefeld
Trelleborg 3-1 Malmö-Triton
Kristianstads Badrike
Kristianstads Badrike plan

1. The matches are played in the "Hopp" pool (two lanes are available in the "Träning" pool for warm up).
2. The pool dimensions are length: 12,5 m, width: 12,5 m, playing width: 8 m and depth: 3,8 m.
3. Each player will receive a plastic band which is used to enter and lock the lockers in the "Omklädning"/change room.
4. There is a cafeteria in the pool and a shop for food (ICA Kvantum Kristianstad) nearby.
Kristianstads Badrike
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 Last changed 2024-04-25